
The 7 Huna Principles of Life – 7. PONO

If people hear this statement at first they might think of this as another version of "The end justifies the means". But on the contrary Pono states that the choice of the means defines the end. If you select violence as a means, then peace will never be your end. If you use force as a means to settle for peace, then the state you get into might look like peace for a while, but you have not built peace from the inside out and therefore the mask of peace will shatter one day and up will come the underlying frustration and hate through an explosion of violence.

The 7 Huna Principles of Life – 6. MANA

Most religions, philosophies and even sciences define the individual as pretty powerless. It doesn't matter whether the source of power is defined as God, fate, a philosophical principle, society, the government, the past, your genes, your parents or any other external force of god or evil - power is nearly always somewhere else. At least that's what is at the back of most peoples mind.Huna is quite radically on the opposite side of the spectrum - it's 6th principle Mana defines that ALL power is coming from you. Note here that there are NO limits to this - ALL power to define your existence is within you. Let's look at the consequences if you accept this to be true.

The 7 Huna Principles of Life – 5. ALOHA

Sometimes the side effects of love described in novels or songs reminds us of vitamin deficiency or acute illnesses (lack of sleep, loss of appetite, heart palpitations, dizziness, fever, colds, sudden outbreaks of transpiration, etc.)With Huna however the definition of love is very clear. The hawaiian word for love is Aloha. It is a compound of "alo" which means "being together, sharing and experience in the here and now" and "oha" which means "sympathy, joy".

The 7 Huna Principles of Life – 4. MANAWA

There are several beliefs about how our past shapes our present. From the eastern concept of Karma where you good or bad actions shape your present and you now have to eat those "Karma fruits" (i.e. you have to bare the positive or negative consequences of your past actions) to a western belief that our present is vastly shaped through our genes or our early upbringing, and therefore mostly controlled by influences outside of our own power.The shamanic Huna tradition has a very different viewpoint on what shapes your current reality. It is NOT the past that has shaped you into what you are today, nor has it given you, what you now have.

The 7 Huna Principles of Life – 3. MAKIA

Whatever you spend most of your conscious and unconscious time thinking off, will grow in your reality. This works on the positive as well as on the negative side. If you focus the majority of your attention on why things are not working out the way you want them to, then your struggles will grow and become more concrete through time. If you aren't clear about your goals and direction, then the fuzziness will grow within your life.

The 7 Huna Principles of Life - 2. KALA

Actually Kala has two meaning attached to it. First it states that there are no limits, and second it points at the necessity to release and forgive, which are the 2 ways to overcome those limits.This is the same approach that unwrapping your mind is all about. There are no real limits to your life, to your capacity to the universe and what it will give you freely - other than those that you define for yourself. That thought at first seems unrealistic, since we do see limits all around us. Our bodies can only grow to a certain height, we only can see up to a certain distance, our ears can only hear within a limited frequency range, we only live a certain amount of years, the earth is limited in its dimension, resources are limited, we only have a certain amount of money in the bank – limits, limits and even more limits. So what’s this no-limit thing all about?

The 7 Huna Principles of Life – 1. IKE

This refers to the importance of belief. Whatever you believe in, you will manifest. If you believe the world is a place full of struggle and hardship, then surely hardship and struggle will come your way. If you believe that the world is a great place for adventure and happiness, that you will surely experience much more of those than the person believing in the world of struggle.