
Re-Member: The Fastest Way to a Relaxed State and Bliss

Re-Member: The Fastest Way to a Relaxed State and Bliss

I have many problems in my life, but my lips don't know that. They always smile."- Charles Chaplin

Throughout my years, I have learned many techniques that incorporate relaxation as the most important first step on that all other methods are based upon. May it be Meditation, Contemplation, Visualization, Silva Mind Control, Psycho-Cybernetics, Hypnosis, Self-Hypnosis, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Autogenic Training, or you name it. 

UNWRAPPED: The Fountain of Bliss - a 1 Minute Exercise

Have you ever had a situation, where you were full of sorrow or pain (even physical) when out of the blue something beautiful came along and took your breath away by its sheer beauty? That could be another person, a sunset, a great piece of art, something so simple as a flower in the dirt, or a great, comforting cup of tea. And at that moment, you realized that your sorrows were gone and even your pain. And somehow your life didn't feel so dark anymore. And you felt peace and bliss within you, maybe even while the physical pain still stayed.

Shut Down Your Minds Chatter Through Superhero Power

Have you ever seen NBC's TV series “Heroes” and wished you had superpowers, that could help you solve some of life's problems? Ever dreamed about you being able to bend time even to a complete stop like Hiro Nakamura? What would you say, if I told you, that you could do just that, and don't have to look like someone with a severe obstipation every time you would activate your superpowers? Let me explain.

The 3 Best Ways to Use Your Inner Experts

This article is a follow up to my article 8 Steps to Communicate With Your Own Higher Intelligence. If you haven't read it already please go there so that you understand the concept of creating inner experts first. In this article, I spoke about inner experts. Since these are also subpersonalities of myself (I am not talking about Channeling or something) I most of the time refer to these inner persons as Personas.

8 Steps To Communicate With Your Own Higher Intelligence


For some readers, this article will be off the top. Some will find the concepts here to esoteric. It is not my intent to disturb you … or maybe it is my intent but in a healthy manner.

What I describe in this post is a concept which each one of you can and should test for at least 30 days and make a judgment afterward based on your own experiences.