Personal Development

UNWRAPPED: The Ultimate Guide to Get Where You Want to Go - FAST! Part 4 - Taking Care of Your Action

A Dream Is Just A Dream

Okay now you've prepared your bags and are ready to go - the cab is waiting in front of your house. What would happen if instead of getting out of your house into the cab (and later on the plane, etc.) you would stay inside and keep on looking at your travel map, the catalog of the hotel and your plan description? Even if you continue to envision how exciting it would be, the cab driver outside would get rather annoyed if you don't move your ass and get it in the cab, the airline would also get annoyed of you and would take off without you.

UNWRAPPED: The Ultimate Guide to Get Where You Want to Go - FAST! Part 3 - Building A Map


Once you know where you want to go (you know the country, location and the hotel including all the features you want) it is necessary to plan your travel and find out what steps you need to take to get there. Let's stick with the travel example.

Once you know which hotel you want, you need to book it. If it is available, you need to find out, how to get there. So you check airlines and see what options they give you at the available dates. You book a flight. Then you decide what you need to take with you. Then (as the date of departure comes closer, you'll pack your bags and prepare all your documents).

UNWRAPPED: The Ultimate Guide to Get Where You Want to Go - FAST! Part 2 - Motivation


What would happen if you knew where you want to go, you jumped into your car, turned the key, ready to go - and then nothing happened because there was no gas in your tank. To get where you want to go not only your car needs gas in its tank to get its engine working and moving, you need gas in your mental tank as well. This gas is called motivation (because it gets you moving just like a sports car with a full gas tank).

UNWRAPPED: The Ultimate Guide to Get Where You Want to Go - FAST! Part 1 - Vision & Reality

Achieving Any Goal Is A Journey

Achieving any goal is really comparable to a journey. You are starting at a point which is your current reality, and you are going for a destination which is your goal. In between, there are certain steps to take, certain obstacles to overcome and certain things to keep in mind. There are also certain prerequisites for any stage along the way.

6 Steps to Overcome the Failure Mechanism of New Year‘s Resolutions

It is an old ritual - on the 1st day of the year you reflect on what you didn't achieve last year, and you make a stern commitment to do it this time; this is the year you will keep your promise. However, 2 to 4 weeks after that stern resolution all your drive is gone, and you shake your head in despair, knowing that you just don't have what it takes to make the changes you desire so much.

UNWRAPPED: Christmas or the Secret to Become Unconquerable

Christmas is only 2 or 3 days away, depending on whether you count the 24th or the 25th as the first day.

For most people nowadays this is a time to celebrate with their family, to escape work stress for some days and to exchange gifts of love. While all of these are wonderful reasons none of them touch the true meaning of Christmas at all.

The Lessons of Pain

While I really like to stay positive with this blog, I can't deny that there are some "bad" things happening in this world, and chance is you might have come across some of those yourself.

While it is understandable (and healthy) do go into the grief and anger phase initially, staying there for a prolonged period of time won't do any good - neither to you nor for the ones you've might have lost, etc.