The 7 Huna Principles of Life - 2. KALA


NOTE - These articles are based on the insights of the author Serge Kahili King. I am not a Hawaiian myself and no expert in the teachings of Hawaiian spirituality. There is some controversy concerning the works of Serge Kahili King and his use of Hawaiian terminology. For more see this Wikipedia article. Even if his teaching does not reflect true Hawaiian heritage I still found his teachings insightful - that‘s why I kept these pages on my site for your own discretionary reading.

This is a series of 7 articles based around the 7 principles of life in the Hawaiian Huna tradition.

Huna is a Hawaiian term for “Secret”. But its practical application makes it a universal method for growth and achievement that is far from being psycho-babble. This series discusses the underlying 7 principles of Huna.The 7 fundamental principles of Huna are:

  1. IKE – The world is what you think it is

  2. KALA – There are no limits, everything is possible

  3. MAKIA – Energy flows where attention goes

  4. MANAWA – Now is the moment of power

  5. ALOHA – To love is to be happy with

  6. MANA – All power comes from within

  7. PONO – Effectiveness is the measure of truth

In the last article I talked about the Huna principles of IKE – “The world is what you think it is”. Be sure to read this article since I might refer to it. Also, it is good to grasp the content of Ike for understanding principle 2 – Kala.

Done that? Okay, let’s jump into it …

2. KALA - There are no limits, everything is possible

Actually Kala has two meanings attached to it. First, it states that there are no limits, and second it points at the necessity to release and forgive, which are the 2 ways to overcome those limits.

This is the same approach that unwrapping your mind is all about. There are no real limits to your life, to your capacity to the universe and what it will give you freely - other than those that you define for yourself. That thought at first seems unrealistic since we do see limits all around us. Our bodies can only grow to a certain height, we only can see up to a certain distance, our ears can only hear within a limited frequency range, we only live a certain amount of years, the earth is limited in its dimension, resources are limited, we only have a certain amount of money in the bank – limits, limits and even more limits. So what’s this no-limit thing all about?

The universe in itself is unlimited, and if you follow the thought process of Ike (Principle 1) seeing the world as a dream brings us closer to understand the nature and function of limits.

For this to understand we should separate 2 types of limits: creative and filtered limits.

Creative Limits

A universe without any limitation equals an unlimited experience which equals no experience at all.

No limits would mean no differentiation, nothing to compare and therewith nothing to experience. The very nature of experience is that of comparison. We do compare the certain levels of light to see. We do compare the certain frequencies of sound to hear. What would you experience if you would live in a world where there would be only one color or one sound – Nothing. You couldn’t see them or hear anything.

That’s why the unlimited Universe needs creative limits to allow us to experience anything. Therefore the limitation and separation of the color spectrum and the sound spectrum is a useful and creative limitation that allows us to experience night, day, light, color, sound, music, noise, etc. And it is the same with everything in our world that we could experience through our 5 senses.

Or think about any game – they are all based upon rules, which are of course limits. But without those limits, the game wouldn’t exist. What if you would play a game of chess and one of the players decided to not follow the rules of the game and move his pieces the way he likes. That moment the game by itself would not be possible and would cease to exist. Again another example for creative limits.

What a Huna shaman (called a kahuna) does is not deny the existence or usefulness of rules and limits, but to use them to reach his goals.

Filtered Limits

Filtered limits, however, are limits build from ideas and beliefs that don’t allow us to become creative, they limit our creative potential by denying our ability to create our own existence.

Examples of this are beliefs that we are victims, that the world is a tough place, that there are not enough jobs in the economy.

A good indicator for these types of limits are the associated emotions. If they are fear, hate or rage then you are experiencing a filtered limit.

Filtered limits limit our awareness and experience of choice without giving us a possibility for positive action.

Again IKE - The world is what you think it is - and you are part of the world and therewith you define yourself through your thinking. If you think that there are limits to the level of joy, happiness, love, health, wealth, etc. you can experience then so it will be. In fact, there are no limits - you just can't see far enough yet. Just like a little child barely able to walk couldn't at that time run a 4-minute mile or fly to the moon doesn't mean that this can't be done in the future.

Always say to yourself that now you have a child's perspective compared to your potential future you. When you grow up (mentally and spiritually) then you are able to see much further because your perspective changed to that of a child.

And on top of that, you are wearing blinders all the time from all your resenting emotions - like fear, resentment, hate, anger. Learning to let go of them is not only good for your relationship with other people as well as your health - it is also the way to overcome your limits.

Action Steps for Kala

Can you think of someone whose company you really want to avoid? Who is giving you a bad feeling every time you are around? Then ask yourself what it is that you are not willing to accept or forgive about this person.

A good way to do this is through the Sedona Method. It is easy.

Identify the feeling that is bothering about that person (note that could also be you - forgiving yourself is so important). Then ask yourself the three Sedona method questions:

  • Could I let it go?

  • Would I let it go?

  • When?

Answer each in turn.

There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. Questions 1 and 2 can be answered with either "yes" or "no". Question 3 can be answered with any time period, ranging from "now, this instant" through to "never - hell will freeze over first" and all points in between.

Then repeat the same questions until you reach a state where the feeling or problem no longer bothers you.

On top of that, imagine what would be now possible in your life once you've completely let go off that feeling. How would you feel and what would be possible in your life, now that you've let go of another limit.