Re-Member: The Fastest Way to a Relaxed State and Bliss

Re-Member: The Fastest Way to a Relaxed State and Bliss

I have many problems in my life, but my lips don't know that. They always smile."- Charles Chaplin

Throughout my years, I have learned many techniques that incorporate relaxation as the most important first step on that all other methods are based upon. May it be Meditation, Contemplation, Visualization, Silva Mind Control, Psycho-Cybernetics, Hypnosis, Self-Hypnosis, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Autogenic Training, or you name it. 

The 5 Fastest and Sexiest Reasons Why I Don’t Want to Be a Regurgitating Cow

The 5 Fastest and Sexiest Reasons Why I Don’t Want to Be a Regurgitating Cow

Have You Noticed? I Was Out AND There Is Life After Blog-Death.If you’re an old fellow to UYM you might have noticed that I have been away for a while (well it has been over a year). Most people will tell you that such a blog is virtually death. But I found out that there is life after death and even during death - read on. Find out why I rather preferred a painful blog-death than becoming a regurgitating cow.

Relationship Trouble: Why It's Almost Always About You and Not the Other Person

Relationship Trouble: Why It's Almost Always About You and Not the Other Person

This is a guest post written by Barrie Davenport, a life and career coach and founder of Live Bold and Bloom, a blog about fearless living.

"Problems in relationships occur because each person is concentrating on what is missing in the other person. " ~Wayne Dyer

Our love relationships can bring out the child in us. Not just childish behaviors, although they bring out plenty of those too. I'm talking about the real child we once were umpteen years ago when we lived at home with parents and siblings and two cats in the yard. Or whatever your experience happened to be.

4 Steps To Stop Self-Punishment

If there is one thing that I learned from my life in general and all my spiritual revelations than it is that forgiving is not something that needs to happen between you and a God (let’s just assume that this one's automatic and a done deal no matter what spiritual concept you are following) - but it needs to happen within yourself.

I always liked the quote of Heinrich Heine:

“Of course God will forgive me; that's His job.“


But what is in the nature of God and therewith easy for him to do is mostly very hard for ourselves.

We all are carrying a heavy load of things we cannot forgive ourselves and/or things we beat ourselves up on a regular basis for being the way we don't want ourselves to be.

The 7 Huna Principles of Life – 7. PONO

If people hear this statement at first they might think of this as another version of "The end justifies the means". But on the contrary Pono states that the choice of the means defines the end. If you select violence as a means, then peace will never be your end. If you use force as a means to settle for peace, then the state you get into might look like peace for a while, but you have not built peace from the inside out and therefore the mask of peace will shatter one day and up will come the underlying frustration and hate through an explosion of violence.

The 7 Huna Principles of Life – 6. MANA

Most religions, philosophies and even sciences define the individual as pretty powerless. It doesn't matter whether the source of power is defined as God, fate, a philosophical principle, society, the government, the past, your genes, your parents or any other external force of god or evil - power is nearly always somewhere else. At least that's what is at the back of most peoples mind.Huna is quite radically on the opposite side of the spectrum - it's 6th principle Mana defines that ALL power is coming from you. Note here that there are NO limits to this - ALL power to define your existence is within you. Let's look at the consequences if you accept this to be true.

The 7 Huna Principles of Life – 5. ALOHA

Sometimes the side effects of love described in novels or songs reminds us of vitamin deficiency or acute illnesses (lack of sleep, loss of appetite, heart palpitations, dizziness, fever, colds, sudden outbreaks of transpiration, etc.)With Huna however the definition of love is very clear. The hawaiian word for love is Aloha. It is a compound of "alo" which means "being together, sharing and experience in the here and now" and "oha" which means "sympathy, joy".