The Power of Blessings or 5 Seconds for Peace, Love and Happiness


One of my teachers told me an easy way to bring peace within your soul as well as increase the level of peace, joy, and happiness within the people you get in contact with. And all it takes is about 5 seconds.

All he did, wherever he went and with whomever, he got in contact with, was to bless that person in his mind.

How often do you use the words "May you be blessed" or the short version "Bless you" every day? And how often is it just an automatic response if someone sneezes? But like with all words, if you don't connect any feeling with those words, they lose their power and turn into empty phrases robbed of their potential power.

So let's inject the power back into this cliché phrase.

What Is a Blessing?

Let's define the word "to bless" upfront. Some of my readers already know that one of my most beloved resources for this is the Online Etymology Dictionary. They define "to bless" as:

bless: O.E. bletsian, bledsian, Northumbrian bloedsian "to consecrate, make holy," from P.Gmc. *blothisojan "mark with blood," from *blotham "blood" (see blood).Originally a blood sprinkling on pagan altars. This word was chosen in O.E. bibles to translate L. benedicere and Gk. eulogein, both of which have a ground sense of "to speak well of, to praise," but were used in Scripture to translate Heb. brk "to bend (the knee), worship, praise, invoke blessings."Meaning shifted in late O.E. toward "to confer happiness, well-being," by resemblance to unrelated bliss. No cognates in other languages.

While I definitely don't want you to sprinkle blood over other people (especially not every time they sneeze), giving praise and wishing lots of blessings for other people is a good way to start. But the old idea behind sprinkling someone with blood is to awaken someone and therefore, giving him energy. Blood is often a symbol for the life force or universal, godly energy that we were created from.

Do You Need to Be Religious to Use Blessings?

Absolutely not. All you need to trust in is the universal law, that whatever you sow you will reap or that we are all connected. It doesn't matter whether you believe in God, Allah, Buddha, Mother Earth, the Morphogenetic Field or anything at all - even if you're an atheist, you can watch this as a scientific experiment and test this for some days and then draw your own conclusions.

How to Use the Power of Blessing in Your Life?

It's easy but that shouldn't stop you from applying it, because it is one of the most enlightening and powerful experiences you might have for a long time.

  • Just send a "May you be blessed", "God bless you", or something similar to every person you meet or even see while you walk by them

  • You can increase the power by swiftly visualizing the person being showered by a fountain of joy, happiness, and luck- or send them some thoughts of joy, love, and harmony and cover them in white light.

You don't have to create a full-blown 3D scenario in your head - it's more important to get the feeling of joy, happiness, harmony, and love being sent to the other person. Spend only 5 to 10 seconds on it. That is enough.

Whom Should You Send Blessings To?

Short answer - Everyone.

You should bless:

  • your loved ones

  • your boss

  • all people serving you throughout the day

  • the tramp down the corner

  • the jerk

  • the annoying client

  • and especially all the people giving you a hard time

It is essential that you won't exclude anyone from it to experience its power.

As long as you are excluding some people from it, you are not in harmony with the universe, since you try to bargain with it. Yes, you are trying to bargain with the universe and with people by stating, that you'll only send your blessings to the people who will do you good. A true blessing comes from the same source as true love. True love won't care about what it gets in return; it just gives itself without calculation. Any type of bargaining comes from a deep-seated fear of scarcity. If you feel this one within you - go read my article about the fear of scarcity.

There isn't much more to say about it - just go out for one day and give it a try. Send a mental blessing to all people that you'll meet throughout the day - and you will see that this day will soon turn into pure magic.

What Do You Get from It?

It is important to understand that you don't expect anything in return. This would again be bargaining with the universe. This bargaining comes from a scarcity mindset. You want your blessings to come from a richness mindset, where you already know, that you are blessed to such an extent, that you could give away more and more and your own blessings wouldn't diminish through it, but they would be increased by the universe. Even the bible knew about this universal law

"Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him." Mark. 4:25

The more you'll send blessings to other people the more you will experience that fountain of joy, happiness, and luck in your own life.