Shut Down Your Minds Chatter Through Superhero Power


Have you ever seen NBC's TV series “Heroes” and wished you had superpowers, that could help you solve some of life's problems? Ever dreamed about you being able to bend time even to a complete stop like Hiro Nakamura? What would you say, if I told you, that you could do just that, and don't have to look like someone with a severe obstipation every time you would activate your superpowers?

Let me explain.

What is Time?

Time in itself is a really interesting phenomenon. It is known, that on a subatomic level time and space are not, what we experience in this known world. Quantum physics tells us, that subatomic particles can be at several locations miles away from each other at the same time. This is not esoteric wishful thinking. This has been researched in scientific labs under the most strict circumstances. It has also been shown, that subatomic particles change their behavior and location depending on who is watching them. So at this point, we could not define what time is. We could just define how we experience it.

The experience of time is depending upon the person watching it.

We know this in our everyday experience already. Or would you exchange an hour with your new lover for an hour of getting a root canal?

What Is the Function of Time?

Time is a necessity for us to experience a multitude of stimuli in the outer and inner world.

  • Our conscious mind can only evaluate and define a certain amount of stimuli per second.

  • Our conscious mind needs the definition of time to allow our brain to group the experiences, evaluate them and make sense of them.

  • Our subconscious mind is not that depending on the continuity of space and time.

Why Would You Want to Control Time?

While I haven't found out how Hiro does bend time in the outer world, bending time in the inner world is a much easier (and at the same time very useful) task.

If you find yourself in a situation, where you would like to control your thoughts running through your mind, this method will come in very handy.

Situations like:

  • you would like to meditate, but you cannot quiet the stream of thoughts running through your mind

  • you face a difficult situation and are near a state of panic, where you cannot make a wise decision of what to do

  • you are in a heated argument with a loved one, and would like to break out of your normal pattern of reaction

  • and many more.

Freezing time, allows you to

  • step back from the fear, stress, panic, and anger which accompanies these situations.

  • take a breath and regain your emotional stability

  • focus your mind on the solution and not on the problem

  • allows you to come up with more solutions than while being under pressure

How Can You Freeze Inner Time?

It is easy:

  • Take a deep breath

  • Hold your breath for a second

  • While exhaling mentally say (just inside yourself) or even aloud (if you are alone in the room) with a strong, commanding voice: "FREEZE"

  • See all objects of your inner world as frozen. And thoughts for this exercise are inner objects that you could freeze.

If you haven't see heroes here is another video showing you the concept of what time freeze would look like.

At first, this sounds like a very strange concept to use, but be assured that I have found it as one of the best methods to quiet my mind to a zen-like state in seconds.

You can even sense this while being active and then just saying "Freeze" in a commanding voice, that your perception of time while change within seconds.

Whenever I want to meditate and my thoughts run wild, I use this method and then sense all the chatter around me, all the ideas and images in my brain being frozen, hanging in the air around me, while I am able to let them be there and move away to become still.

Try it - you will be amazed that you never knew before, what powers are within you.